Your Top 5 Sight Guide To Denali National Park

denali national park

Far away in the mountains of Alaska lies a 6 million acre nature preserve known as Denali National Park. If you’re looking for an adventure that will last a lifetime, this is the place to visit. The park allows for visitors to explore over 92 miles of land and take in the breathtaking views and ultimate encounter with nature. Here are the top five things to take advantage of in Denali National Park.


  • Biking/Hiking


One of the best ways to explore the magic of mother nature is to be fully engaged with it. Although driving may be your ideal exploring method, the park only allows personal vehicles for 15 miles. Thankfully, the park offers many different options for you to explore the park. By taking a bus or shuttle, you are free to get on and off as many times as you’d like to backpack, hike, bike, and camp throughout the park. You are free to decide how long you’d like to stay, knowing that you’ll be able to go farther into the park with a higher chance of seeing wildlife and fantastic views.


  • Take the Train


The train is a great option for those who are on a limited time frame. Taking the train will allow you to take in all of the views of the park in a comfortable, relaxing setting. The train ride is under 8 hours and allows you to see the forests, lakes and rivers, and wildlife through the viewing windows. The train also offers an exquisite dining experience with guided tours of the park. This is the train ride of your life.


  • Flightseeing


For the ultimate, dramatic filled adventure while at Denali, flightseeing is a must. The airline passengers to view the amazing landscape of the glaciers and mountains Alaska has to offer. In the spring and summer, passengers are able to land and experience the glaciers on foot, or even through the ultimate skiing experience.


  • Volunteer


There’s no better way to experience Alaska’s National Preserve than by being able to give back to mother nature. There are always volunteering opportunities, with many that are available during your seasonal visit. You can volunteer by seed picking, helping to construct long hiking and biking trails, or even assist researchers.


  • Sled Dogs


The Denali sled dogs are a symbol of Native American and Pioneering History and Culture. Today, they help protect the wildlife and wilderness of Denali National Park. While there, you can visit the dog kennels and learn about why the dogs are so significant to the park and how they help the preservation. What better way to encounter a national park than cuddling with someone of it’s most significant animals?