Category: Hiking


Plants to Avoid During Hikes (Pt. 1)

Hiking is arguably one of the most relaxing, enriching activities in outdoor recreation, but like nature itself, it can be dangerous and unpredictable if underestimated. I have extensively covered how this notion applies to wildlife and weather, but plant life should also be handled with a precautionary eye. While most plants are more likely to be benign in nature, others… Read more →


Hiking Wildlife Guide: Dangerous Animals and how to Avoid Them (Pt. 3)

    Though hiking is intended to be a relaxing and exhilarating activity, it can pose a variety of threats and risks to participants of all experience levels. Wildlife is perhaps the most revered of these threats; with many predatory and otherwise dangerous species usually sitting in the back of hikers’ minds as they set out on their trail of… Read more →


Hiking Wildlife Guide: Dangerous Animals and how to Avoid Them (Pt. 1)

Though hiking is intended to be a relaxing and exhilarating activity, it can pose a variety of threats and risks to participants of all experience levels. Wildlife is perhaps the most revered of these threats; with many predatory and otherwise dangerous species usually sitting in the back of hikers’ minds as they hit the trails. While it may be exciting… Read more →