How to Avoid Common Hiking Injuries


Hiking on different trails in the great outdoors is a common pastime for many people who enjoy physical activity in a beautiful setting. Unfortunately, it can be easy to become injured while hiking. If you want to reduce the risk of injuries, there are a few tips to follow to remain safe and comfortable.


Wear Fitted Shoes

Blisters can quickly develop when your ankle or the heel of your foot begins rubbing on the inside of your shoe. Although blisters aren’t severe, they can cause significant pain each time that you take a step on the hike. If you want to prevent blisters from forming, you’ll need to find shoes and socks that fit correctly. Make it a point to break in your new shoes in advance to ensure that they fit more comfortably once you wear them on a hike. Pack moleskin and athletic tape to use if a blister occurs to ensure that the affected area is protected and to alleviate the discomfort.


Fuel Your Body

Many people forget to fuel their body with enough food and water while hiking, which can lead to exhaustion due to the number of calories that you’re burning with each step. Pack food and snacks that have a lot of calories to ensure that you maintain your energy levels and don’t become fatigued. You’ll also need to plan your water sources and bring enough water with you throughout the hike.



You may be excited to get started on your hike and don’t want to waste any more time, but stretching is essential to prevent your muscles from cramping as you begin moving. Drinking plenty of water will also prevent the muscles from tightening up. Packing a sports drink that contains electrolytes can also help and will fuel your body. If a muscle begins to tighten, apply a hot or cold compress to the affected area for several minutes to find relief.


Pack a First Aid Kit

With all of the brush that you’ll walk past on your hike, it’s common to suffer from a few scrapes and cuts along the way. Pack a first aid kit to ensure that you can apply antibiotic lotion and a bandaid to protect the minor would and allow it to heal.