Tag: Dr. Allen Cherer


Hiking Wildlife Guide: Dangerous Animals and how to Avoid Them (Pt. 1)

Though hiking is intended to be a relaxing and exhilarating activity, it can pose a variety of threats and risks to participants of all experience levels. Wildlife is perhaps the most revered of these threats; with many predatory and otherwise dangerous species usually sitting in the back of hikers’ minds as they hit the trails. While it may be exciting… Read more →


A History of Cycling in the US

Bike riding became a popular alternative means of transportation in the late 1800s, as bike manufacturing began in the United States. Adults rode their bikes for pleasure, to socialize and to commute. However, by the 1920s, automotive travel was preferred and cycling was demoted to a children’s activity.   Riding Re-emergence During the 1970s, adults once again began riding bikes.… Read more →


Ten Helpful Bike Maintenance Tips

Cycling season has arrived once again, and with it the endorphin rush that comes from a great ride. That’s not the only factor that serious riders should be considering, however. After a long winter of hibernation, those wheels are probably in need of a tune-up. Here are some tips for getting that bike back on the road.   Lubricate the… Read more →


Avoiding the Worst Cycling Mistakes

Cyclists take their training very seriously and for good reason. They need to keep their body in peak physical condition, but some cyclists have acquired bad habits that are hindering their performance. Here are five of the worst cycling mistakes that cyclists make and how to fix them.   Cutting The Best Fuels   Salt, fat, and sugar are not… Read more →